11 Ekim 2009 Pazar

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense

Dear Bert,
I 1) ...'m writing... (write) to tell you what a great time we 2) ................................ (have) at the Sour Grapes concert last weekend. It's a pity you 3) .............................. (not/come).
The concert 4)................................ (take) place in the football stadium near the university. There 5) ................................. (be) about 80,000 people there. While we 6)............................. (wait) to get in, we 7)...............................(see) the members of the group arrive in a big black limo. They 8).......................................... (have) bodyguards with them. Anyway, we 9) ............................. (find) our seats
and 10)...............................(wait) impatiently for the concert to begin. The Sour Grapes 11).................................................. (recently/record) an album which 12) ...................................... (become) very successful.
The concert 13) .................................. (last) for two and a half hours. I 14).................................... (send) you some photos that Alex 15)................................. (take) when we 16) ................................ (be) there. We 17) ..................................... (hear) that the Sour Grapes 18) ...................................... (give) a big concert in London next month. Perhaps you can see them there.
Best Wishes, Roger
Present vs. Past Tense

1. I ________________ to this county in 1988.
a) come
b) came
2. I ________________ taking classes at the local community college as soon as I arrived.
a) start
b) started
3. Presently, I ________________ a writing class.
a) take
b) am taking
c) took
4. Last week, the teacher________________ us to write an essay.
a) ask
b) asked
5. Because I worked until 1:00 a.m., I ________________ to bed late.
a) go
b) went
6. Fortunately, I ________________ very well on that essay. (continues from last sentence)
a) am doing
b) did
7. I am glad that I to come here 12 years ago.
a) decide
b) decided
Look at the situations below, and decide which is the best sentence to use. Click the button next to that choice. Every time you choose the best option, your soldier will march forward hundreds of years.

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