19 Kasım 2009 Perşembe

Most Used Words in English - Volume 1

This file is the "Most Used Words in English List" is located.
We have prepared list contains 7037 words. Listed in 1468 one of the words verb (verb), 3566 grain noun (noun), 1306 One of the adjective (adjective), 464 of them adverb (adverb), 48 one of the markers (determiner), 73 of them preposition (preposition), 48 of them pronouns ( pronoun), 15 of them auxiliary verbs, 35 of them conjunction (conjunction), 14 there is also an exclamation (interjection).
Function words, that the letter-i recipes (article), markers (determiner), prepositions (preposition), pronouns (pronoun), conjunctions (conjunction) and auxiliary verbs (modal verbs and auxiliary verbs: be, have, do) with a gauge that indicates (infinite marker) "to" 522-word also "Function Words List" are given in nde. Also included in the list of most used words from the same type of non-words were included in this list.
Function words than the list of common words in a list separate re-editing the reasons why we, their English grammar is a special place because of their importance is emphasized. In fact, numbers not exceeding a few hundred of these words in English that they created the basic structure, like any text review, we all words in the text in the rate of those words or approximately 50 percent will be seen to be around. Indeed, stand-alone "the" letter-i description, hands on your list, we prepare a list of words which is one of Adam based on British National Corpus'a formed Kilgarriff'in classified (lemmatized) according to the 6318-word list, all of English-the more accurate phrase used text 6.18 percent of bank-in the words' comprise ini. Other functions in word alone, or a word category as a whole constitutes what percentage of English "Function Words List" nden can see.

1 (det) the
2 (v) be
3 (prep) of
4 (conj) and
5 (det) a
6 (prep) in
7 (inf.) to
8 (v) have
9 (pron) it
10 (prep) to
11 (prep) for
12 (pron) i
13 (conj) that
14 (pron) you
15 (pron) he
16 (prep) on
17 (prep) with
18 (v) do
19 (prep) at
20 (prep) by
21 (adv) not
22 (det) this
23 (conj) but
24 (prep) from
25 (pron) they
26 (det) his
27 (det) that
28 (pron) she
29 (conj) or
30 (det) which
31 (conj) as
32 (pron) we
33 (det) an
34 (v) say
35 (mod) will
36 (mod) would
37 (mod) can
38 (conj) if
39 (det) their
40 (v) go
41 (det) what
42 (pron) there
43 (det) all
44 (v) get
45 (det) her
46 (v) make
47 (pron) who
48 (prep) as
49 (adv) out
50 (adv) up
51 (v )see
52 (v) know
53 (n) time
54 (v) take
55 (pron) them
56 (det) some
57 (mod) could
58 (adv) so
59 (pron) him
60 (n) year
61 (prep) into
62 (det) its
63 (adv) then
64 (v) think
65 (det) my
66 (v) come
67 (conj) than
68 (adv) more
69 (prep) about
70 (adv) now
71 (a) last
72 (det) your
73 (pron) me
74 (det) no
75 (a) other
76 (v) give
77 (adv) just
78 (mod) should
79 (det) these
80 (n) people
81 (adv) also
82 (adv) well
83 (det) any
84 (adv) only
85 (a) new
86 (adv) very
87 (conj) when
88 (mod) may
89 (n) way
90 (v) look
91 (prep) like
92 (v) use
93 (pron) her
94 (det) such
95 (adv) how
96 (conj) because
97 (adv) when
98 (adv) as
99 (a) good
100 (v) find

p.s: Look up these words from your dictionary and practise.

To Be Continued...

17 Kasım 2009 Salı

Family Members True False Exercise

Family Matters

Meet Phil and his family:

Look at Phil's family tree. Are these sentences true or false?
1.Tina is Phil's mum
2.Jenny is Phil's sister
3.Thomas is Phil's grandad
4.Harriet is Phil's grandma
5.Ian is Phil's brother-in-law
6.Hannah is Phil's nephew
7.Mary is also Phil's grandma
8.Phil is Hannah's uncle
9.Phil is Thomas and Tina's daughter
10.Phil is Simon and Harriet's grandson
11.Phil is Jenny's brother
12.Robert is Phil's brother


1. True:Tina is Phil's mum
2. True:Jenny is Phil's sister
3. False:Thomas is Phil's dad
4. True:Harriet is Phil's grandma
5. False:Ian is Phil's grandad
6. False:Hannah is Phil's niece
7. True:Mary is also Phil's grandma
8. True:Phil is Hannah's uncle
9. False:Phil is Thomas and Tina's son
10. True:Phil is Simon and Harriet's grandson
11. True:Phil is Jenny's brother
12. False:Robert is Phil's brother-in-law

Parts of The Body

Parts of the Body

Solve these anagrams to find the names of different parts of the body:

are .......................
knec ......................
osen .....................
yee ....................
rottha .....................
gel ....................
kelan .....................
tofo .......................
grenif .......................
ram ....................
daeh .....................
hoctsma .....................
oludsreh ...................
anhd .....................
techs ......................
loebw ......................
ote ......................
kabc ......................
thoum .......................
eekn .......................


